Corruption Is Delicious

There's nothing more entertaining and comical than watching members of Congress from both parties vow to clean up Washington. With Jack Abramoff, fedora in hand, ready to sing to the feds like a mocking bird on crack, our nation's legislators are returning campaign contributions and doing everything they can to distance themselves from this one 'bad apple.' The fact is, Abramoff is just one piece to an extremely corrupt beltway puzzle. Republicans will draft a loophole filled piece of legislation, maybe the "Clean Government Act of 2006;" when its all said and done, it will create more problems than it solves and Washington will remain as corrupt and money-driven as it has always been. For members of Congress to feign amazement at the level of corruption in D.C. is at best, funny and at worst, disgusting.
One more note: Delay is going down. The admittedly partisan prosecution at home is the least of his problems. He will be implicated in Abramoff-gate and may not even be reelected in '06. The Democrats will be pouring a lot of money into efforts to defeat him, much like the Republicans did to Tom Daschle in '04. Fellow GOPers are already staying far away from Delay; he had already temporarily resigned his Majority Leader post and will not be seeking the intra party reelection. Finally, in an ironic twist of fate, Delay will have difficulty keeping his seat. In the controversial Texas gerrymandering effort that Delay spearheaded, he made his own district more Democratic under the assumption that his seat was safe. It certainly doesn't appear to be safe now. Goodbye Congressman Delay. Your fat head will certainly be missed on the Hill.
Here's a roundup of the race for Majority Leader:
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