I was just about to close up the old laptop for the night when I saw it. It was the most ridiculous attempt at a campaign commercial I've ever seen.
A BIG hat tip to Shakespeare's Sister for this guy...
Here she is: Absurd Commercial
Please, if you're reading this, do yourself a favor and watch the commercial - its worth you time.
This guy, Vernon Robinson, is trying so hard to convince people that he's a 'real conservative.' Here's a bit from the bio on his website:
My political heroes are Ronald Reagan, Jesse Helms, Clarence Thomas, and Antonin Scalia. That should give you a pretty good idea of where I stand. [...]
My concept of family is the same as the one God ordained in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago -- one man, married to one woman, with so many children as God should see fit to entrust to their care. [...]
I put my trust in God, not my finger to the wind, and my record proves it. [...]
Dueling with the Left's talking sock puppets on television will not be a new experience for me. On our local equivalent of the Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" (a program called "One on One"), I ably played Sean Hannity's role as the conservative television talk show host (opposite a radical feminist).
My family attends First Assembly of God in Winston-Salem. I believe my single greatest qualification to be a Congressman is that my mother raised me in a Christian home and taught me right from wrong.
Robinson is running against Rep. Brad Miller in North Carolina's 13th district. I couldn't find any polling data, but I would sure be interested in seeing some.
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