ABC Poll
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but some numbers from the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll stand out. Okay, we get it - President Bush's approval ratings are in the shitter. But look at this: 38% of respondents approve of the job that President Bush is doing, while 47% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE. Overall disapproval is at 60%.
To reiterate, 9% fewer approve that strongly disapprove. I don't know about you, but that says a lot - Bush is losing this country at an alarmingly fast rate.
UPDATE: Looking at the data, here are a few more numbers that must go up the President's ass...
2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling...
Iraq: Approve - 37%; Disapprove - 62%
Economy: Approve - 40%; Disaprove - 59%
Immigration Issues - Approve - 33%; Disapprove - 61%
All of the polling data is available here.
Note: Political Wire notes the same stunning finding that I did above.
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