The Last Polka

"But one must know how to colour one's actions and to be a great liar and deciever. Men are so simple, and so much creatures of circumstance, that the deciever will always find someone ready to be decieved."

Monday, April 10, 2006

ABC Poll

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but some numbers from the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll stand out. Okay, we get it - President Bush's approval ratings are in the shitter. But look at this: 38% of respondents approve of the job that President Bush is doing, while 47% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE. Overall disapproval is at 60%.

To reiterate, 9% fewer approve that strongly disapprove. I don't know about you, but that says a lot - Bush is losing this country at an alarmingly fast rate.

UPDATE: Looking at the data, here are a few more numbers that must go up the President's ass...

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling...

Iraq: Approve - 37%; Disapprove - 62%

Economy: Approve - 40%; Disaprove - 59%

Immigration Issues - Approve - 33%; Disapprove - 61%

All of the polling data is available here.

Note: Political Wire notes the same stunning finding that I did above.


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