Scotty Doesn't Know

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire ( cites a Think Progress ( post that questions White House Press Secretary/Spokesman extroidinare Scott McClellan's absence. According to Think Progress, McClellan hasn't given an "on-the-record press briefing" in 19 days. I've been in the anti-McClellan camp for quite a while. As far as I'm concerned, the fewer press briefing McClellan gives, the better. Keeping McClellan away from the blood thirty press corps is one of the only smart things the White House's PR team has done in recent months. Many, including the author of a PR Week article that Goddard cites ( suspect that McClellan's recent absence is related to his lack of credibility in the wake of the CIA Leak Investigation. There is certainly some truth to that notion. Recently, McClellan has refused to answer any questions about the "ongoing investigation," including those regarding his comments regarding Rove/Libby's involvement. However, I suspect (frankly, I hope) that the White House has finally come to the conclusion that McClellan is simply an incompetent spokesperson. He lacks charisma. He doesn't cut it under pressure. He's a bad press secretary. It's that simple. He didn't suddenly start being incompetent during the Leak Investigation - he has always been this way. Mr. President, do yourself a favor and fire Mr. McClellan - he's not doing you any favors.
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