McKinney: My Bad
Via AP:
WASHINGTON - Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., expressed “sincere regret” Thursday for her altercation with a Capitol police officer, and offered an apology to the House.
“There should not have been any physical contact in this incident,” McKinney said in brief remarks on the House floor. “I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened at all and I regret its escalation and I apologize.”
McKinney’s comments came after the case had been referred to a federal grand jury for possible prosecution.
I'm sure her Democratic colleagues had nothing to do with McKinney's sudden change of heart:
The incident has embarrassed Democrats, including fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus, none of whom have publicly defended her behavior in the March 29 incident.
Rep. Mel Watt, the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, has had no statement on the incident. The caucus’ silence stands in stark contrast to its investigations of past scuffles between the U.S. Capitol Police and members.
It certainly took too long for her to accept responsibility; regardless, let's hope this story goes away.
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