More Delay Reaction (UPDATED)
Political Wire has a brief interview with DCCC Communications Director Bill Burton about the Delay news. Burton echoes what I wrote in January about TX-22:
PW: Doesn't his stepping down make the district safer for Republicans?
Burton: An open seat is always a better opportunity for the challenging party. Add that to the fact that DeLay actually gave up some of his Republican voters to make surrounding districts more Republican and you have one of the most competitive seats in the country.
UPDATE (4/4/06 - 3:24PM): Chris Cillizza has some more reaction from both sides of the aisle.
UPDATE II: Even conservatives in the blogosphere seem to be relieved with the news of Delay's departure. Speaking of Delay's resignation letter, James Joyner writes:
It’s rather long and sums up his 21-year congressional career and his many accomplishments, real and perceived. It contains no contrition, however, for sowing the seeds of the Abramoff scandal, the K Street Project, and perhaps the loss of the House to the Democrats this November. [...]
Sadly, he sounds remarkably like Cynthia McKinney, except blaming his fall on the evil liberals rather than whitey. One would think he would take some modicum of responsibility for the mess he has created. That he has no regrets and no shame is quite sad, really.
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