The Last Polka

"But one must know how to colour one's actions and to be a great liar and deciever. Men are so simple, and so much creatures of circumstance, that the deciever will always find someone ready to be decieved."

Monday, November 28, 2005

Warner Dives Into Foreign Policy

Gov. Mark Warner (D-VA), whose prospective Presidential run we have discussed in detail (here: started establishing his foreign policy credentials today with a speech to New York's Asia Society. His speech discussed U.S. policy toward Asia in general, and included specific comments on the War in Iraq. According to the AP, Warner said the following: "This Democrat doesn't think we need to re-fight how we got into (the Iraq war). I think we need to focus more on how to finish it...To set an arbitrary deadline or specific date is not appropriate... It is incumbent on the president to set milestones for what he believes will be the conclusion."

The story here is not found in Warner's specific comments - they're fairly conventional. The real story is that he is beginning to develop the weaker parts of his resume - in this case, foreign policy. Expect to here more from this '08 hopeful. We'll certainly be watching...


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